


It was in 1929 during the month of Rabiul Awwal, the month of the birth of our beloved Prophet (SAW), when the founding fathers contemplated on an appropriate name for the school. They decided to name the school Muhammadeyah in honour of the name of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAW).


To strive towards an education of the highest calibre through a holistic approach to Learning and Teaching according to the norms and values of ISLAM.


The school motto on our badge is Iqra – “ READ ! “


Presently Muhammadeyah is a primary school under the Western Cape Education
Department. We are based in the Wynberg residential area - in the Southern Suburbs of Cape Town. The reasons for the establishment of this primary school are clearly outlined by the school’s former principal, Mr Rashard Jedaar (1992:1):

“Muhammadeyah was born out of a need in the Muslim community at the Cape, and Wynberg in particular, for a school with an educational curriculum that would provide its children with the traditional “religious” education in addition to the tools to participate actively and creatively in the socio –economic life of the country. An education that would inculcate the values of Islam“

Muhammadeyah Primary School, thus situated in the heart of Wynberg, first opened its doors to the learners of the community in 1929. This year of 2014 we have reached a milestone – it is our 85th birthday!

Not only has Muhammadeyah become a household name in Wynberg but we are known from the Americas to Switzerland, from Australia to the Middle East, etc. where our ex students are making their mark as successful businessmen and productive citizens.


But how did it all begin?

The first teacher/principal was Mr Salie Berdien, founder of The Moslem Education Trust (MET) . The MET are the custodians of the school and were formed in 1927 with the purpose of establishing a Muslim School. They first conducted a so-called Garden School where the teachers offered their services free of charge. Emanating from this selfless dedication and commitment of the pioneers was the birth of Muhammadeyah Primary School – an institution developed by the community, for the community and dedicated to teaching and learning within an Islamic context.

Mr Berdien was succeeded by Mr Solomons in 1943. The atmosphere at Muhammadeyah is captured by the following statement of Mr Solomons:

“Children do not only come to school to merely write and pass exams but rather to LIVE, to laugh and play and to do the things they enjoy doing and to respect and adopt the norms and values of their elders. When children are happy, teachers are happy; Muhammadeyah is a happy school!”

To quote Mr Solomons at the end of his 36 years as principal: “The school progressed from a non entity to an educational institution commanding the respect of the community at large.”

This solid foundation was further cemented by succeeding principals Mr Jedaar and Mr Gamiet who steered the boat through the stormy waters of the political volatile years of the 80’s and 90’s. This time period also saw a physical expansion as a double storey classroom section was completed and a hall on the opposite side.

85th ANNIVERASARY 1929 - 2014

From 1994 up to today (2014), Mr Ismail is at the helm of affairs, building on passionately and enthusiastically from his predecessors and taking the school into the next level of the high-tech and internet period.

Yes, from a humble start of a one room school in 1929 we have developed into a school of 720 learners, 28 teachers, 21 classes, two computer rooms, Islamic and Arabic reading teachers, remedial and 2 physical education teachers and 1 Creative Arts teacher. We perform Thur daily with Thikrs on Thursdays and strive to create an Islamic atmosphere inculcating values to produce dedicated Muslims and productive citizens.

Besides the full WCED curriculum we also have swimming, athletics, soccer, volley ball, cricket, cycling and hiking. We excel in sport as we are very passionate about it and we have a strong belief in the holistic development of our learners. Education authorities are highly impressed with our academic performance in the annual national assessment and systemic tests. Tests scored 83.% average for Mathematics and 96% average for English and our Gr 6 scored 89% for Mathematics and 89% for English and were commended by the Education Department for these very good results.

Needless to say education has become an expensive business with schools in general struggling to make ends meet as a number of parents fail to pay their school fee, there are teachers’ salaries to be covered as well as learning and teaching materials to be purchased. Our building also needs to be dressed up and here and there walls need to be plastered and waterproofed. We also have plans for further extension of the building.

That’s why fundraising is at the centre of our Anniversary celebrations. Besides this function we have also earmarked a host of other activities for the year including a Gaatam al Quran, a Big Walk, taking our learners on Umrah in April etc.

(16) 004.114 In most of their secret talks there is no good: But if one exhorts to a deed of charity or justice or conciliation between men, (Secrecy is permissible): To him who does this, seeking the good pleasure of Allah, We shall soon give a reward of the highest (value).